Friday 27 January 2017

Independent Coffee Shops - OUGD405 - Logo Fonts

Initially I was looking into the importance of considering how can I interact my sign with busy spaces to guide people away from chain coffee shops. One idea was to place diverting signage outside chain coffee shops to try make people avoid going in thinking about using text such as “avoid Starbucks like they avoid their taxes”. However learning more about signage I developed a better understanding into how this wasn’t effective and I needed to focus more on direction towards independent coffee shops in a more objective way.

The shape of my design is circular and placed around lampposts, this means it is easily adjusted to point in the intended direction. A problem with this would be it could it being tampered with and turned the wrong way, to resolve this issue it would have to be fixed with cable wire to prevent this. The material used to construct the sign was made of cardboard this also leads to issues regarding it being worn away by weathering or easily damaged. 

Initial designs used typefaces that aimed more on communicating the personality of an independent coffee shop over the important features type should have in a successful signage system. The developed designs did not include the text used in the previous designs, the final designs only displayed a number to show how long a walk it is in minutes to the closest shop. With a new aim to clearly display this number a heavy weighing sans-serif typeface was used in the design as it has good legibility with a large X-height and wide letter proportions with prominent ascenders/descenders to ensure a good legibility.

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