Sunday 5 May 2019

OBLIGATION - RESEARCH - How To Use Psychology To Create PR Buzz

How To Use Psychology To Create PR Buzz

1. Help them see.

Humans have been communicating with visuals for much longer than text. Visuals help us convey information rapidly. In fact, some research has found that our brains can process images that we see for as little as 13 milliseconds. Help your audience quickly understand your message with well-placed visuals. This might take the form of a beautiful photo on your website, crisp product images or infographics shared on social media. Prioritize high-quality visuals to have a stronger impact on your audience.
If your logo wasn’t prominently displayed, could someone guess it might be your brand? Our social media department uses the trick of looking at an Instagram profile and seeing if they could guess the brand based on the photo feed alone.

2. Convey emotion.
It’s not enough to just be visual. There’s a huge difference between a bland stock photo and a clever graphic. Brands can build more buzz by using emotional visuals. Although we like to think of ourselves as rational beings, many of us make decisions based on our emotions. Don’t appeal solely to your audience’s rational side. Humans are complex, visual creatures, so show emotional messages to meaningfully boost your brand.
This can be done by knowing both your brand and your audience.

2.Focus on images that tie into your overall brand “feeling.”
Another way this can be done is with the messaging surrounding your brand. A simple tagline can evoke emotion by connecting to the main purpose of your product or business. Use verbs, not just nouns. Create messaging that actively engages with your audience. What is most important to them? How do you want them to feel about your brand?
 However you choose to incorporate emotion, be sure it’s on brand and that it makes sense for your audience.

3. Show your true colors.
Have you ever wondered why we associate the color red with anger? This isn’t accidental: Certain colors are believed to evoke certain moods. Every color is said to have a meaning, especially in PR. Hot, fiery colors are believed to inspire audiences to take action, while colors like blue and green are thought to have a soothing effect. 
You need to appeal to the audience’s subconscious for effective messaging, and that starts with color. It’s important to keep color in the forefront when designing visuals. It has a huge impact on how audiences subconsciously perceive your brand. For example, you don’t normally see banks using orange in their branding; they opt for blue instead. Blue is a color that's thought to evoke calm, trust and authority, which is why banks and health care providers tend to use it.

4. Make it memorable.
Humans crave emotion and visuals, but one extra ingredient is needed to make your brand truly memorable: storytelling. Stories (paywall) help us process and retain information much faster than raw information. 
Humans of New York is a great example of how much stories can resonate with people — so much so that a Facebook page of stories turned into two hard copy books. Humans of New York has more than 18 million Facebook followers simply from sharing stories of passersby on the streets of New York and in other countries.
Try to incorporate storytelling elements into your PR. Include a likable hero, tension or a challenge and an emotional resolution. The more original and emotional your story, the better. Build shareworthy brand stories, and you’ll see a more engaged, attentive audience that’s poised to take action.

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